The eyes are the windows of the heart, inner vitality and personality.

Most of us believe that the eyes are the windows of the heart, the eyes bare one's soul. The eyes are probably more closely related to person’s inner vitality and personality than all other facial feature. The physiognomists agree that the eyes are also the most sensitive barometer of an individual feelings. Because a person's character and spirit can be read in the eyes with the most astonishing accuracy.

However, the best eyes are recognised by several characteristics:
First : The eyes are elegant in shape. The position is good. The eyes well balanced not only with each other but also against other facial features. Neither the eye nor the eye socket show any defect.

Second : The eyes are usually narrow and long or large and around, and well protected by matched eyelids, that is by the upper and lower lids.

Forth : The irises of the eyes are clear and steady.
Many physiognomists know that the ideal pair of eyes has glitter. That is, they reflect the inner vitality and well-being. And they are also fully controlled and stabilized. These are the guidelines. They set the standards for ideal eyes. Few people have them. Of the different guidelines, perhaps the last is the most important and probably the most difficult to explain, especially in the West.

Glitter refers to the life of the eye. Without glitter, the eye would seem glassy, spiritless, lacking in fire. An individual’s ability to concentrate his gaze is a measure of “control” and “stability”. This qualities reveal an individual’s reserve power, his glitter or inner vitality. All human being share an ability to concentrate their gaze, but they do so varying degrees of effectiveness. Glitter that emits concentrated and penetrating rays indicates a person of powerful character.

Whether the personality is constructive or destructive depend on the relationship of the eyes to the other features of the face, including the forehead, eyebrows, nose, cheekbones, and so forth. When glitter is constructive, it is termed controlled, and destructive glitter is uncontrolled. Both controlled, and uncontrolled glitter also reflect a person’s inner vitality.

How to read a person’s glitter requires the ability to separate controlled glitter from uncontrolled. A person with controlled glitter can fix a sustained, penetrating, and powerful gaze on you. He can make you feel within his power, almost exercise a hypnotic effect.

On the other hand, uncontrolled glitter is often equally penetrating, but it is also furtive and scattered. Uncontrolled glitter lacks concentrated power. This type of glitter belongs to persons of mercurial. They are unreliable by nature, people who often destroy their own careers and their family life. Such a person because of his temperament, is apt to be foolhardy, fanatical, or adventurous and may direct or misdirect his inner vitality in a manner detrimental to himself as well as to others. Let us now analyze the four glitter types in detail:

The glitter type 1, if the glitter type is controlled and other facial features are very favorable, well proportion and in balance. The personal traits is stable, reliable, trustworthy, loyal an achiever in life. Such a person has an aptitude for high positions of authority, usually between the age of thirty and sixty. He is likely to be aggressive in character, farsighted and well organized. He goes about his affairs systematically and with an air of confidence.

Persons in this group can usually be trusted to play fair. They have a sense of proportion and balance. They have a benign character and a strong sense of morality. A less active or aggressive individual in group 1 usually has less powerful eyes and lower concentration power, eventhough the eyes are well controlled. Such person almost never exercise their full powers directly. Frequently academics, writers, and artists are found among this type.

The glitter type 2, if the glitter type is uncontrolled and other facial features are favorable but irregular. The personal traits is unstable, erratic, and emotional. Persons whose glitter is uncontrolled but is in balance with other facial features, although their featurers may be irregular or of mixed quality. They are given to unsteady glances, an indication of unsteady character. In other words, influences, darting from object to object, as to lose self-control. Such individuals are usually impetuous. However, if the eyes and other facial features appear well balanced, the indication is that person may rise to power or influence meteorically. This is especially true of revolutionaries and adventurers. But such persons are prone to end in failure or personal disaster.

The glitter type 3, if the glitter type is uncontrolled and other facial features are unfavorable or defective. The personal traits is untrustworthy, villainous, and treacherous. It indicates uncontrolled glitter matched with poorly balanced but strong facial features. This type of person is given to wild glances. His eyes lack reserve power. A person of this type has ability and energy, but because of impatience he has a tendency to become increasingly frustrated and therefore aggressive. Such an individual is gambler in life. A person in this group with low, protruding cheekbones and uneven nose bridge is ap to be narrow-minded, unruly, mean, and villainous.

The glitter type 4, if the glitter type is uncontrolled and other facial features are weak and poorly balaced. The personal traits is weak, easily victimized, and hence, unlucky. Weak features mean that a person’s facial features lack firmness, appear bony or are based on small bone structure. A person of this type is usually of weak character, a pathetic figure easily victimized by others. Such individuals are invariably unsure of themselves.

With an understanding of the four different glitter type, we can turn to specifics. This requires a systematic breakdown of eye characteristics. First we will make a distinction between large and small eyes, then in sequence, focuse on irises, the color of the iris, the problems of balance and proportion, the eyelids, the eye corners, and the shape of the eye, Each reveals a facet of personality and fate.

Third : The irises of the eyes are well centered and meet the eyelids both above and below. By well centered we mean as the irises are viewed against the white of eyeball.