Facial features reveal a person character and fate

Since a person's facial feature reflect his personality, or inner vitality, an individual's appearance is closely related to our mien, spirit, and therefore, physical well-being. More than two thousand years later, western psychiatry confirmed this assessment. And physiognomist have long maintained that the shape and position of facial features and other characteristics will reveal not only a person caracter but also the fate

A person's personality can be read from the signs on the face, then so can his future. Again, the reasoning is not complicated. Facial feature change in the aging process. Each change in a person's features provides a clue to his behavior, to his well-being, and therefore, perhaps, of things to come. We contend that we need only detect and analyze these changes as they occure, especially skin coloring, to peek into a person's future. In a sense, to use a western metaphor as "your face is your fortune". Please read the "cheekbone", "nose color", "eye glitter", "the size of eye", "eye shape", and "eyebrow".

However, the suggestion that we are fated to what we become in life tends to turn off most Western mind. in the west, everyone is supposed to be in control of his destiny. intelligence, ability, resourcefulness, and drive are acquireed through education, experience, and discipline. And, in turn, this contribute to shaping the future, to making a success or failure in life.

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